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BJP members raised a ruckus during the MCD House special session in protest

 BJP members raised a ruckus during the MCD House special session in protest

BJP members raised a ruckus during the MCD House special session in protest
 BJP members raised a ruckus during the MCD House special session in protest

BJP members said that the municipal body sealed three stores in Amar Colony, south Delhi, on Friday, despite the MCD calling a meeting to resolve the de-sealing problem.

According to the senior source, the House's special session started in the afternoon but was cut short by BJP members' objections.

BJP councilors disrupted the proceedings of the special session of the Municipal Corporation House in Delhi on Saturday, raising a ruckus over matters pertaining to shop sealing. The opposition's demonstrations and sloganeering interrupted the special meeting that was held to address concerns pertaining to the de-sealing of assets under the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), according to authorities.

Raja Iqbal Singh, the leader of the opposition in the house, and a number of other BJP council members sang anti-AAP and party-led municipal body chants while holding signs. He said that a large number of individuals even visited the House well during the demonstration. BJP members said that the municipal body sealed three stores in Amar Colony, south Delhi, on Friday, despite the MCD calling a meeting to resolve the de-sealing problem. The decision made by the court-appointed committee to de-seal the first and second floors of the stores in this local commercial complex was the subject of controversy, according to a senior municipal official.

"Lack of licence" was the reason given for the closure of three stores on Friday, according to the official, and the two problems are unrelated. According to the senior source, the House's special session started in the afternoon but was cut short by BJP members' objections. After a while, Mayor Shelly Oberoi postponed the House, but the BJP councilors persisted in their protests, according to authorities, who also noted that the House was subsequently adjourned. According to the official, the session lasted less than an hour.

Iqbal Singh of the BJP subsequently discussed the matter with the media at the Civic Center. The court-appointed panel has agreed to remove seals from the first and second floors of stores situated in the local retail complex, according to Delhi Mayor Oberoi's statement on Wednesday. He had informed reporters that the Defense Colony area's sealing of such properties had begun in 2017–18 at the monitoring committee's request due to purported construction bylaw infractions.

The Mayor then said that a judicial commission had been established by the Supreme Court to investigate the case's legal elements. He had said that the stores inside these premises would now be de-sealed, which is a huge relief for the shopkeepers.

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