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Alexei Navalny, a jailed opponent of Putin, is facing additional accusations

 Alexei Navalny, a jailed opponent of Putin, is facing additional accusations

Alexei Navalny, a jailed opponent of Putin, is facing additional accusations
Alexei Navalny, a jailed opponent of Putin, is facing additional accusations

According to Navalny, he has been accused with barbarism, which is covered under Article 214 of the Russian criminal code.

Imprisoned New accusations have been brought against Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny by prosecutors.

The 47-year-old Navalny is incarcerated for more than 30 years after being convicted guilty of accusations that included radicalism, which his supporters claim are politically motivated. Navalny claimed he was prosecuted under Article 214 of the Russian criminal code, which covers the crime of barbarism, in remarks to his colleagues.

"I'm not sure if I should call my recent news tragic, absurd, or ridiculous," he said in remarks posted on social media on Friday, according to his team. "I have no idea what Article 214 is, and I can't find anything about it. You'll be aware before I am.

According to him, the accusations are a part of the Kremlin's plan to "start a new criminal case against me every three months." He chuckled, "Never before has a person in solitary confinement for longer than a year had such a rich political and cultural life."

One of Russian President Vladimir Putin's fiercest critics, Navalny is well-known for spearheading significant anti-Kremlin demonstrations and fighting against government corruption.

The ex-attorney was detained in 2021 after coming back to Moscow from Germany, where he had recuperated from a nerve toxin overdose that he attributed to the Kremlin. Since then, he has received three jail sentences and been placed in solitary confinement for many months after being charged with a number of minor offenses.

After the politician's fighting corruption foundation and a network of regional offices were declared to be extremist organizations in 2021, thereby excluding everyone connected to them, a number of Navalny allies are also facing accusations relating to extremism. has been made public for prosecution.

Ksenia Fadeyeva, the director of Navalny's office in Tomsk, Siberia, was recently imprisoned by a court before she was to stand trial for radical activities.

In October, Fadeyeva was first held under house arrest and then sent to pre-trial custody. He may spend up to 12 years in jail if proven guilty.

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