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AI Minister Rajiv Chandrashekhar, the state minister for IT, said that their goal is not to compete with Elon Musk or Sam Altman

 AI Minister Rajiv Chandrashekhar, the state minister for IT, said that their goal is not to compete with Elon Musk or Sam Altman

AI Minister Rajiv Chandrashekhar, the state minister for IT, said that their goal is not to compete with Elon Musk or Sam Altman
AI Minister Rajiv Chandrashekhar, the state minister for IT, said that their goal is not to compete with Elon Musk or Sam Altman

According to Rajeev Chandrashekhar, the government is developing a comprehensive AI strategy to create practical use cases while collaborating with other nations to create regulations around the technology.

In brief

Chandrashekhar claims that the world supports India's position in promoting security and confidence in AI.

The world's AI conference will be hosted by India in January 2024.

Large language models, foundation models, computation, chips, and talent connected to AI will be the main topics of discussion.

Artificial intelligence (AI) pioneer Sam Altman of OpenAI and tech entrepreneur Elon Musk of XAI are not competitors for India, says Minister of State for Electronics and IT Rajeev Chandrashekhar. Rather, the nation is committed to developing AI applications that will limit possible risks to consumers and greatly enhance the lives of its residents. This was stressed by Chandrashekhar in his speech at the Global Technology Summit, which was hosted by Carnegie India and the Ministry of External Affairs.

He underlined that the government's main goal is to use real AI applications to alter people's lives, not to compete with people like Musk or Altman or to win prizes like the Nobel Prize.

"Our goal is to change people's lives through use cases, not to compete with Elon Musk or Sam Altman or win the next Nobel Prize," he said. using AI to develop skills for practical applications. will be fulfilled." Chandrashekhar emphasized the significance of artificial intelligence (AI) in a number of fields, including security, healthcare, agriculture, language translation, and inclusiveness promotion.

According to Chandrashekhar, the world is coming around to India's position of establishing security and confidence in the AI space. He also revealed plans for an international conference on AI in India in January 2024, with an emphasis on talent in AI, computers, chips, huge language models, and basic models.

The Minister called artificial intelligence (AI) one of the most significant and influential technologies of the modern era and emphasized its enormous potential to transform industries including healthcare, agriculture, government, language translation, and inclusion.

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