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AI aids Israeli military in selecting targets for bombing in Gaza during Israel-Hamas conflict

 AI aids Israeli military in selecting targets for bombing in Gaza during Israel-Hamas conflict

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as 'The Gospel' have purportedly sped up the process of identifying targets in Israel Defense Forces operations during the conflict with Hamas.

Israel seems to be using artificial intelligence (AI) to guide its bombing assault in Gaza. "The Gospel" is an AI target-making platform that Israel has reportedly been able to implement thanks to the Gaza conflict. Israel is able to produce "goals" more automatically as a result.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) website released a statement on November 2 that quoted an IDF official stating that the military was fighting Hamas using an AI-based system known as Habsora, meaning Gospel in English. Prepare your targets quickly.

The IDF said in their post that throughout the course of the 27 days of warfare, more than 12,000 targets were targeted. This equates to around 444 targets per day. The Guardian was informed by people with knowledge of the IDF's integration of AI-based systems that these technologies had greatly expedited the target creation process.

The IDF stated that "Gospel produces a recommendation for the scholar with the help of artificial intelligence, within rapid and automated extraction of updated intelligence, with the goal that there will be a perfect match between the machine's suggestions and the identification made by one person."

"Attributes akin to the matrix"

"Systems such as Gospel played a key role in creating lists of individuals authorized to carry out the assassination," according to sources cited by the Guardian. It said that the target division, which consists of hundreds of officers and troops, is "powered by AI capabilities" and cited former IDF head Aviv Kochavi as stating as much.

Kochavi described it as "a machine that produces vast amounts of data more effectively than anyone who can and transforms it into weapons for attack" in an interview that was released before to the conflict.

There are "Matrix-like capabilities" in the IDF, he claimed. According to a newspaper, "Each brigade now has a sophisticated intelligence system similar to the one in the movie The Matrix, providing real-time intelligence."

For better or worse, artificial intelligence (AI) is perhaps the most radical of all the technology revolutions. "The IDF has utilized this area to improve combat effectiveness since recognizing it years ago," he claims. Cited.

He added that three years before, a "targeting directorate" had been established. "This is a unit with hundreds of soldiers and military personnel operated by AI capabilities," he said.

not the first instance

Kochavi discussed Israel's 11-day conflict with Hamas in May 2021 during the conversation. He said, "Once this machine was turned on, it generated one hundred new targets every day for Operation Guardian of the Walls. To put things in perspective, we used to produce 50 targets annually in Gaza. Now, in a single day, this computer struck 100 targets, of which 50% were assaulted."

The IDF said that 2021 was the start of the "first AI war" in history. "Operation Guardian of the Walls" was an eleven-day onslaught on Gaza that is said to have resulted in 2,200 Palestinian injuries and 261 deaths.

Does this lessen damage to civilians?

Operators utilize a "very precise" calculation of the pace at which people leave a building just before an assault, a former senior Israeli military official told the Guardian. "To determine the remaining civilian population, we use an algorithm. It provides us with a traffic signal-like green, yellow, and red."

According to experts on AI and armed conflict included in the paper, there is reason for skepticism about the assertion that AI-driven systems lessen civilian casualties by promoting more accurate targeting.

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