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Purchase Gabriel India with a 384-rs goal: Sharekhan

 Purchase Gabriel India with a 384-rs goal: Sharekhan

Sharekhan is optimistic about Gabriel India, which in its research report dated October 03, 2023, suggested a buy recommendation on the company with a target price of Rs 384.

The Gabriel India study report by Sharekhan

maintained EBITDA margin at around 8.5%, with reported PAT of Rs 47 cr compared to a projected Rs 50 cr. The Sunroof project is proceeding according to plan as it searches for inorganic opportunities in foreign markets. The stock is trading at an 18.6x P/E and an 11.2x EV/EBITDA multiple compared to FY26E expectations.


Because of the company's emphasis on profitability, our estimate of an increase in content per vehicle, inorganic development methods, and redoubled focus on exports, we continue to retain our Buy rating on the stock with an unchanged PT of Rs 384.

Khan - Gabriel India - 04 - 10-2023

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