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High-level meeting will be held by Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal amid increasing air pollution

 High-level meeting will be held by Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal amid increasing air pollution

Gopal Rai, the minister of the environment, and representatives from other relevant ministries will attend.

High-level meeting will be held by Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal amid increasing air pollution

Delhi- A high-level conference has been convened by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for Monday in response to the capital's growing pollution levels.

Gopal Rai, the minister of the environment, and representatives from other relevant ministries will attend.

For the fifth day running, the Central Pollution Control Board has classified the overall air quality in the National Capital as "severe."

The nation's capital is experiencing a severe health emergency related to rising pollution levels. The city's air quality often reaches dangerous levels, and it has a history of making headlines as one of the most polluted cities in the world.

According to medical professionals, an AQI of less than 50 is ideal for a healthy individual; however, in the present day, the AQI has risen to 400, which may be lethal for people with lung-related illnesses and even increase the chance of lung cancer.

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