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Government News Release: Exciting news! Indian nationals may now enter this nation without a visa till May 2024

 Government News Release: Exciting news! Indian nationals may now enter this nation without a visa till May 2024

Government News: Visitors from Taiwan and India are permitted entry into the nation for a 30-day period without a visa. The country is considering easing its visa requirements for visitors, including the potential of visa exemptions and extending the stay for tourists.

For those who want to go from India to Thailand, there is excellent news. They will be able to visit Thailand without a visa now. According to a spokesman for the Thai government, travelers from Taiwan and India will not need a visa. Reuters reports that this exemption will be available starting next month and lasting until May 2024.

According to Thai government spokesperson Chai Wacharonke, "people coming from India and Taiwan can enter Thailand without a visa for a 30-day period." Thailand is looking at the prospect of easing its visa requirements for visitors, such as waiving some fees and increasing the length of stay for visitors.

Currently, a 2-day Thailand visa costs 2000 Bhat (about $57) for visitors from India. By the end of the year, the new administration in Thailand hopes to have brought in 3.3 trillion baht from international visitors. whereby the tourism sector offers the most effective temporary boost to the economy. Data from the Bank of Thailand indicates that around 12% of GDP and 5% of employment are generated by tourism.

In August, Thaneth Tantipiriyakij, the head of the Phuket Tourism Association, told Bloomberg that doing away with application costs would be preferable than giving Chinese and Indian tourists visa exemptions.

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