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Good news for GST traders: the department is no longer able to issue this order

 Good news for GST traders: the department is no longer able to issue this order

Good news for GST traders: the department is no longer able to issue this order
Good news for GST traders: the department is no longer able to issue this order

GST Latest News: In an effort to reduce the number of fictitious GST claims, the department has long been conducting a campaign against false registration. It's also critical to disclose any errors or fraudulent activities the businessman may have done in order to get a GST registration.

Good news for GST traders: orders to terminate registration cannot be issued by the department anymore. In rendering a decision in a Kerala High Court case, it was said that the department would need to provide precise details on the kind of fraud, deception, or effort at concealment that the merchant had made when obtaining the GST number.

The department's decision to unilaterally terminate the GST registration was overturned in a significant ruling by the Kerala High Court. Anil Kumar Madhusudan, a businessman from Kottayam, filed a case with the Kerala High Court after the department sent him a one-line show cause notice about his GST registration. The court decided that the department is unable to do this, providing relief to the petitioner.

The department may revoke or suspend a person's GST registration in accordance with the CGST and SGST Act of 2017, but the High Court made it plain in its ruling that it cannot do so without first hearing the petitioner's side of the story and providing factual and truthful justification.

No, we'll cancel your registration.

In an effort to reduce the number of fictitious GST claims, the department has long been conducting an anti-fraudulent registration campaign. It's also critical to disclose any errors or fraudulent activities the businessman may have done in order to get a GST registration.

distinct departmental objectives

A senior government representative from the GST department also informed Money Control that the Finance Ministry plans to introduce pre-filled Goods and Services Tax (GST) return forms prior to the start of the next fiscal year. This choice will assist in overcoming the significant data mismatch problem brought on by tax notifications. The department is now examining the extra expenses associated with improving the digital infrastructure to prevent system slowdowns or crashes brought on by the extraction of data from various databases.

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