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Eleven individuals received a bus as a gift on the occasion of an Uttar Pradesh festival. Fantastic service is about to begin

 Eleven individuals received a bus as a gift on the occasion of an Uttar Pradesh festival. Fantastic service is about to begin

In honor of Uttar Pradesh's festivals, the Yogi administration has announced plans to expand public transportation. During Diwali and Chhath, there is a rise in the number of travelers. 

According to the Transport Minister, a sufficient number of buses must be operated to accommodate the large number of people that travel from places such as Delhi, Jaipur, Kanpur, Lucknow, and so on to different locations in Eastern Uttar Pradesh during the Diwali and Chhath festivals. He said that eastern Uttar Pradesh celebrates the Chhath festival with considerable fanfare. People go great distances to get to these destinations. This was the right choice to make.  

Dayashankar Singh, the independent charge Minister of State for Transportation, said that extra buses would be operated from November 10 to November 20. He said that there are a lot of travelers in the days leading up to and after Chhath and Diwali. Additionally, he said that the Transport Corporation will ensure that there are no difficulties for the residents of the state. 

According to him, the Transport Corporation has also introduced a unique incentive program at this time to boost worker availability and productivity, which includes running more buses. The Transport Corporation is getting ready to provide the state's citizens first-rate transportation options. Every day, almost 11 lakh people in the state ride buses. This figure rises dramatically during celebrations. __

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