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Big news for Gold Hallmarking! Big News for Gold Hallmarking! Before purchasing jewelry, be sure to distinguish between genuine and phony hallmarks

 Big news for Gold Hallmarking! Big News for Gold Hallmarking! Before purchasing jewelry, be sure to distinguish between genuine and phony hallmarks

Gold Hallmarking: In order to shield consumers from fraud, the government has mandated hallmarking on jewelry.

Delhi, New. The government has now mandated that gold jewelry be hallmarked in order to safeguard consumers from fraud. However, a lot of individuals continue to use phony hallmarking to market gold jewelry that has been tampered with. The Hallmarking Federation of India (HFI) has acknowledged that certain individuals are impersonating hallmarkers when it comes to gold jewelry. As a result, if you purchase jewelry during Dhanteras, be wary of Hallmark. Make careful to verify whether the hallmark is real or not.

Gold purity is ensured by the hallmarking process. A mark called a hallmark is applied to every jewelry. Its purity is shown in this Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) mark. Additionally, testing facility and other information is given in hallmarking. The carat, or purity, of the gold used to make jewelry determines how much of it is there. Jewelers often charge high carat costs for jewelry that is low carat. This has been eliminated by making hallmarking required.

Purchases are made simply by seeing the hallmarking indication. At the time of purchase, it is impossible to determine if the mark on the jewelry is real or phony. Entrepreneurs that deal in counterfeit jewelry profit from this. At the time of sale, fake hallmarking is often discovered.

Recognize Hallmarking

Beginning on July 1 of last year, the government modified the hallmarking indications of gold jewelry, bringing the total down to three. The BIS Hallmark is the first indication. This symbol is triangle-shaped. The meaning of the second sign is purity. Stated differently, it displays the total amount of gold content in the jewelry. The HUID number, a six-digit alphanumeric code, is the third character. Hallmark Unique Identification Number is referred to as HUID. There are both letters and numbers in this six-digit code. Every piece of jewelry is given a HUID number at the time of hallmarking. This is a distinct number. This implies that no two items of jewelry may be assigned the same HUID.

Here's how to tell what's genuine from phony

The Bureau of Indian Standards has developed a smartphone app called the BIS Care App that allows you to inspect jewelry that has been hallmarked. Once the BIS Care app has been downloaded, you will need to provide your email address, phone number, and name. Your email address and cell number will then need to be validated by OTT. Use of this app is contingent upon verification. This allows you to access all the information about the jewelry's production, quality, and other details by navigating to the Verify HUID area and inputting your HUID number.

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