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Australia's High Court declares prolonged imprisonment to be illegal

 Australia's High Court declares prolonged imprisonment to be illegal

The highest court in Australia has declared that it is illegal for the government to hold someone in immigration detention for an unlimited period of time. A 20-year-old precedent that has been essential to Australia's border regulations is overturned by the historic decision. According to the Human Rights Law Centre, it may lead to the release of several dozen immigrants who are being held in immigration detention and are unable to return home.

It can potentially result in compensation claims, the solicitor general has said. A stateless Rohingya man faced the possibility of lifetime imprisonment in the case heard by the High Court of Australia on Wednesday because no nation would relocate him because of a criminal record. The administration had maintained that, despite their incapacity to do so, his incarceration was legal since they meant to remove him from the country. The verdict reverses the outcome of the earlier case, Al-Kateb v. Godwin. In that decision, the High Court determined that imprisonment without the possibility of release was permissible even in certain situations.

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