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When an Indian traveler's passport was seen in Abu Dhabi, the staff was shocked and unsure of what was so exceptional about it

 When an Indian traveler's passport was seen in Abu Dhabi, the staff was shocked and unsure of what was so exceptional about it

After looking at the Indian passenger's passport, the staff were perplexed.

His amazement knew no limits when the personnel verified an Indian passenger's passport after the airplane made an Abu Dhabi stop. The staff could not trust the age shown on the passport and thought it was a fraud since it was impossible for someone born in 1896 to travel.

Please be informed that the flight was from Kolkata to London. The airplane had halted in Abu Dhabi at this period. A staff member verified a person's passport on-the-spot and passed out when they saw the person's birthdate. It seemed impossible that someone born in 1896 might fly and move about with ease.

Who exactly is that Indian?

Actually, Yogacharya Swami Shivananda, who was born in 1896, was this person. He was now 127 years old. In Bangladesh, he was born on August 8th, 1896. He sleeps at nine o'clock at night and wakes up at three in the morning and resides in Kabir Nagar, Durgakund, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. When you wake up, read the Bhagwat Geeta. Barley porridge, potato chokha as well as boiled vegetables are typical dinnertime fare. He doesn't take a nap throughout the day.

Everyone was taken aback by his agility despite his advanced age. Everyone in attendance immediately became excited and began shooting pictures of him. In the year 2022, he received the Padmashree honor.

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