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To introduce the new Flarescan Ecosystem Explorer, Flare collaborates with the Avascan Block Explorer Team

 To introduce the new Flarescan Ecosystem Explorer, Flare collaborates with the Avascan Block Explorer Team

Dubai: Flare, a blockchain for data, today disclosed a new collaboration with the group in charge of the Avascan Block Explorer. Together, they will introduce Flarescan, a thorough explorer for the Flare ecosystem that includes all the crucial elements that made Avascan so well-liked. Both through and the Routescan block explorer platform, Flarescan will be accessible as an Ecosystem Explorer.

All Flare networks, including the Flare and Songbird mainnets as well as the Coston and Coston2 testnets, will be easily accessible through Flarescan. Users will get access to transaction histories, address balances, token flow tracking, network health monitoring, and block-by-block network analysis.

Developers will have seamless access to both the P-Chain, which is essential for staking operations, and the C-Chain, where the majority of transactions take place, thanks to Flarescan's comprehensive view of the Flare ecosystem.

It offers everything from wide network statistics to specific transactions, including with graphs for better data presentation. It is comprehensive and user-friendly. The verification procedure used by Flarescan, which is shown by a checkmark on verified contracts and guarantees the correctness of the information displayed, is a crucial feature.

On October 16th, Flarescan will go live with complete C-Chain support, bare-bones P-Chain support, and live staking analytics. In November, complete support for P-Chain and historical staking metrics will be made available.

Additionally, a developer API will be accessible, making it simple for developers to incorporate blockchain data into their apps.

The co-founder and CEO of Flare, Hugo Philion, reaffirmed the firm's dedication to ensuring that the ecosystem is as accessible as possible. The block explorer is a crucial component of what Flare is doing to give builders a high-quality development experience, he said. Everyone will have access to FlareScan, which will also give developers the comprehensive insights they need.

Avascan team member Giacomo Barbieri gave a hint as to the partnership's future goals when he said that "Flarescan is the next step in Avascan's journey to servicing blockchain developers with a high-quality explorer that is constantly evolving on features, speed, and also user and developer experience."

About Flare Flare is an EVM smart contract platform that extends the use of blockchain as the data blockchain. Flare is the only smart contract platform optimised for decentralized data collecting of price & time series data, cryptocurrency event & status data, and web2 API data since decentralized oracles are incorporated into the network's structure.

Flare serves as a utility layer for the blockchain industry by providing developers with cost-effective, trustless access to the widest range of data. This encourages the creation of new and better use cases.

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Regarding Routescan and Avast!

Blockchain exploration has never been more thorough or user-friendly than with Avascan Block Explorer. Avascan has established a good reputation among blockchain enthusiasts and developers thanks to its dedication to providing accurate and meaningful statistics. With an emphasis on EVM-based blockchain networks, Routescan is a block explorer platform that makes use of the indexing technology created for Avascan.

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