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Raghav Chadha yells, "Fight to save the Constitution," as the Delhi High Court permits him to stay in the government residence

 Raghav Chadha yells, "Fight to save the Constitution," as the Delhi High Court permits him to stay in the government residence

Raghav Chadha, the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party, has been given permission to stay at the government-allocated house after a Delhi High Court decision on Friday. The MP for Punjab said that he was battling to "save the constitution" and believed that the cancellation of the allocation was the result of "political vendetta."

"I sincerely appreciate the Delhi High Court for upholding my case and upholding justice by vacating a lower court's ruling pertaining to my government house.The Constitution must be preserved; this is not a battle for a house or a store. I'm relieved that justice has won out, he remarked.

The AAP politician wrote about his recent suspension from the Rajya Sabha in a letter that was posted on Twitter, adding that the Supreme Court had sent the Rajya Sabha secretariat a notice over the case.

The Rajya Sabha Secretariat was asked to respond to the top court's request for information earlier on Monday about Chadha's appeal contesting his indefinite suspension from the Upper House. In order to resolve the matter, it also requested the attorney general's aid.

The MP also claimed that opposition voices were being "deliberately targeted" in his message from Tuesday.

"Opposition voices—those who speak for the worries of millions of Indians—are being specifically targeted. I have spoken out against the BJP-led Central government twice so far in Parliament. My official accomodation was canceled after my opening address. My status as a legislator was suspended after my second speech, he said.

The top AAP politician said that the event was a "unprecedented departure form democratic norms" and that it was " the first occasion in the 70-year history of the Rajya Sabha" that a member had experienced such "political harassment" for demanding answers from the government.

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