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PM Netanyahu uses the "Amalek" hypothesis to defend the deaths in Gaza. What is the country of the Hebrew Bible?

 PM Netanyahu uses the "Amalek" hypothesis to defend the deaths in Gaza. What is the country of the Hebrew Bible?

On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used the Hebrew Bible country of "Amalek" theory to defend the slaughter of Gaza inhabitants in the current Israel-Hamas conflict, which has resulted in the deaths of over 8,000 Palestinians in Gaza and over 1,400 Israelis. 

Our Holy Bible states, "You must remember what Amalek has done to you." Genesis 15:3–15 Netanyahu said, "Go and strike Amalek, and completely destroy everything they own, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, baby and nursing, ox and sheep, camel and ass." 

According to the Prime Minister, the Israeli military has launched a second phase of its campaign against Hamas by deploying ground soldiers into Gaza and increasing its air, sea, and ground assaults. 

There are times when a country must choose between doing or dying. We are about to take the exam, and I know exactly how it will turn out—we will win. We'll succeed and emerge victorious," he said. 

According to the Gaza Health Ministry, 377 Palestinian fatalities have been confirmed since late Friday, bringing the total number of Palestinian deaths in Gaza to slightly over 7,700 since the start of the conflict. 

What is the Hebrew Bible nation of Amalek? 

Amalek is described in the Hebrew Bible as the fierce enemy of the Israelites. The word "Amalek" might refer to the Amalekites, their homeland, the grandson of Esau who established the nation, or any combination of these.

The book of Exodus describes how the Amalekites assaulted the Israelite tribe while they were leaving Egypt. Even after Israel defeated the Amalekites, God cursed the descendants of Amalek.

Strange and terrible things

Online users denounced the Israeli prime minister's comments on the murders in Gaza and Amalek. "It's surprising to see how many Americans are shocked by this statement," said one user. Hey guys, this isn't the first time he's said anything so genocidal."

"The same process was used to create Israel."So God said.Many Jews disagree with this Zionistic perspective. Netanyahu is honoring his word. To see the names of the more than 3,000 killed little ones, type "names of children" into the search field. They've left," a another user said. 

"We saw God's goodness in the torrent of support that descended upon Israel from all over the world," said former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley. And even if evil is making an effort to resurface, God's kindness is still evident and always will be."

Truly awful thing. What the heck, I may term this psychosis generated by religion "said the fourth user. 

"Honest question - did he actually refer to the "Bible" or was that an interpretation change?" asked a further commenter. Is it typical for a Jew to refer to the “Bible” rather than the Torah? Even though my family is secular Jewish, I've never seen the word "bible" used."

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