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Nishikant Dubey, a BJP member of parliament, accuses Mahua Moitra of "mortgaging India's security for some money."

 Nishikant Dubey, a BJP member of parliament, accuses Mahua Moitra of "mortgaging India's security for some money."

Nishikant Dubey posted on X that a member of parliament mortgaged national security for petty cash.

On Saturday, BJP Lok Sabha MP Nishikant Dubey launched a new attack against TMC MP Mahua Moitra in the "cash for query" scandal, alleging that the latter's login information for the official website of the House of Representatives had been used in Dubai and that the National Informatics Centre had given this information to investigation agencies. The new attack comes after businessman Darshan Heeranandani said in an affidavit that he had provided the MP with gifts and other inducements in exchange for her answering questions in Parliament and that he knew her login information. Moitra has refuted each and every accusation.

Dubey, who filed a complaint with the Parliament's Ethics Committee on the claims, said on X on Saturday that Moitra used the MP's ID from Dubai to access the Parliament's official website while he was in India. He said that the MP "mortgaged" national security in order to get some cash.

"For a little cash, an MP mortgaged the security of the nation. The IDs of Parliament were opened from Dubai. The suspected MP was in India at the time. On this NIC are the central agencies, the department of finances, the Prime Minister of India, and the whole Indian government.NIC provided this evidence to the investigative agency, and the opposition must play politics given that the choice is made by the general people, he wrote on X.

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