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Cybercriminals establish accounts under the guise of employment and conduct financial activities in the accounts of employees

 Cybercriminals establish accounts under the guise of employment and conduct financial activities in the accounts of employees

Cases of cybercrime are concerning.

Cybercrime instances involving birthdays are a national issue. Despite several security precautions, fraud incidents continue to increase. A significant cyber fraud case has been made public thanks to information from the Delhi region. Actually, for cyber fraud, thieves want a lot of accounts.

For these accusations, the accused specifically target workers. According to information provided, the accused are creating accounts for workers under the pretense of giving them employment while keeping their own passbooks and debit cards on hand. Through this, they conduct crimes and get money transfers to these accounts.

17000 rupees were deposited into the victim's account

The workers' accounts were established at Gurgaon's Labor Chowk. One day, a laborer was astonished to get a notice about a transaction of Rs. 17,000 in his account. The cops received this information without delay. A native of Malaka village called Shahrukh was detained by the police during the inquiry.

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