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An expensive online investment, a lady loses Rs 4 lakh, and the police are looking into it

 An expensive online investment, a lady loses Rs 4 lakh, and the police are looking into it

People are being more conscious of financial literacy

A growing number of people believe that investing is more essential than saving money. Because of this, cybercriminals may simply defraud a large number of individuals under the guise of investments. While this is a really positive habit, it is crucial to be mindful of where you are putting your hard-earned money.

A woman deceived

A lady in the Una district hamlet of Raunkhar has been deceived in a situation identical to this one. The lady got a mail on October 17 from Vaibhav Global Limited asking her to promote a course on digital marketing.

The lady paid money to get registered and began working for the firm. The lady then made a sizable investment in the business. The lady had to do a job in order to get her money back. The lady requested for her money, and the corporation told her that she wouldn't get it back until the assignment was finished.

Following this, the lady filed a complaint about the situation. The inquiry is still underway, according to the police.

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