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After the discussions, Blinken emphasizes his "deep commitment" to Israel

 After the discussions, Blinken emphasizes his "deep commitment" to Israel

After meeting with key officials in Tel Aviv, Secretary of State Antony Blinken emphasized the "deep commitment" of the US to Israel's right to self-defense.

Mr. Blinken met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on his second trip to Israel after the fatal Hamas assault.

The State Department said that he reiterated US backing and its readiness to assist the nation.

Nine days ago, more than 1,400 people were slaughtered in Israel.

From the Gaza Strip, Hamas terrorists entered Israel and attacked troops and civilians.

"You know our deep commitment to Israel's right, indeed, its obligation to defend itself and to defend its people," Mr. Blinken said on Monday.

After pledging to destroy Hamas, Israel has been bombing Gaza and is likely to begin a ground invasion of the region.

The senior US ambassador said, while posing for a selfie with Israel's defense minister Yoav Gallant, "You always have the support of the United States."

According to the State Department, Mr. Blinken also discussed with Mr. Netanyahu US cooperation for humanitarian relief with the UN and regional allies.

in one point during their meeting, air sirens sounded, and Mr. Blinken and Mr. Netanyahu sought refuge in a bunker for five minutes before continuing their conversation in the command center of the defense ministry, according to Reuters.

The visit takes place while water, food, and medical supplies are running out in Gaza, where the humanitarian situation is nearing a critical stage.

Since the Hamas assaults, more than 2,700 Palestinians have died and 9,700 have been injured in Gaza as a result of Israeli reprisal operations.

The most recent statistics from the US State Department show that at least 30 Americans are among the deceased and that 13 others are still missing.

The missing are believed to have been kidnapped by Hamas, and Mr. Blinken and Mr. Netanyahu spoke about how they may get the roughly 200 individuals returned back.

The Gaza Strip has been governed by the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas since 2007. The US government and other western nations have labeled it as a terrorist organization.

According to US authorities, the US has hired a ship and several aircraft to transport Americans out of Israel and to secure surrounding places this week.

Mr. Blinken had discussions in Tel Aviv the previous week before visiting Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, among other countries in the neighborhood.

In addition to pledging his support to the Israeli government, Mr. Blinken said that Israel must emphasize "shared values for human life and human dignity" on his tour to Arab nations.

In contrast, President Joe Biden said in an interview with CBS News on Sunday that Hamas should be destroyed.

"Israel is pursuing a group of individuals who have committed acts of cruelty that are comparable to the Holocaust in their significance. And as a result, I believe Israel ought to act, he said, offering to provide Israel help. 

However, the president stressed that there should be a "path to a Palestinian state" and claimed that Israel's colonization of Gaza would be a "big mistake".

Additionally, Mr. Biden is said to be debating a trip to Israel in the near future.

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