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After 98 years, Tardel Textiles in Ronse closed its doors

 After 98 years, Tardel Textiles in Ronse closed its doors

The management of the textiel company Tardel in Ronse has decided that the company will close. Due to a poorly constructed orderbook and the current economic climate, it is no longer rentable. Social networking has begun for the 23 workers.

On a remarkable personeelsvergadering, Tardel NV announced that it will cease its activities in Ronse. Tardel was established in 1925 and is active in the textielveredeling industry, including garenverven and stukverven. 23 jobs will be lost.

The company had already made progress in terms of economic work efficiency in the previous months, but as fewer orders came in, the business was forced to close its doors.

According to factory manager Koen Van Goubergen, "the strong backlash against Tardel products has ensured that the production in Ronse is no longer economically viable." This proposed sluice has an influence on 23 employment locations. For such employees, social networking overleg has begun. We have done absolutely everything to improve the business and the employment opportunities, and that has taken years. Everyone anticipated it, in my opinion. Moving forward is no longer an option, declares Koen Van Goubergen.

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