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A chunk of stone transformed his life, as a rare meteorite made him a billionaire. He received Rs 14 crore

 A chunk of stone transformed his life, as a rare meteorite made him a billionaire. He received Rs 14 crore

A meteorite struck and turned him become a multimillionaire.

An Indonesian man named Joshua Hutagalung, who lives in the Kolang district of North Sumatra, became a billionaire when a stone fell from the sky. The stone brought in Rs 14 crore 12 lakh 97 thousand at auction. My understanding is that a meteorite struck his verandah's roof and descended into the living room.

Let us inform you that he was working outside his home at the time. The stone had sank 15 cm into the earth after dropping.

What makes this meteorite unique?

This meteorite weighs 2.1 kg in weight, according to reports. Its estimated age is 4.5 billion years. This meteorite was purchased by an American named Jared Collins. Joshua has been paid Rs 14 crore 12 lakh 97 thousand for this.

Joshua claims to be quite grateful that the asteroid that hit his home turned him become a billionaire. He will have a happy life with this money.

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