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The Saudi Arabia under Mohammed bin Salman in 2030 will be a technologically advanced, socially, economically, and most significantly, culturally transformed Kingdom

 The Saudi Arabia under Mohammed bin Salman in 2030 will be a technologically advanced, socially, economically, and most significantly, culturally transformed Kingdom

Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Media held a Media Oasis in conjunction with the G20 Leaders Summit and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman's state visit. This exhibition served to highlight changes and accomplishments made in a number of initiatives carried out in accordance with Vision 2030, a Saudi Arabian plan aiming at diversifying the nation's economy, society, and culture.

This event, which took place over 12 pavilions, was neither a showcase for the administration nor any other glitzy endeavor. This was a presentation that concentrated on the transformation being seen under the forward-thinking current regime rather than reinforcing all too familiar preconceptions about the economic might of the oil-rich kingdom, its supreme standing in the Islamic world, or its leadership of the Arab world.

Saudi Arabia wants the world to know how its nation is evolving. It takes seriously how the world currently perceives it as well. It want a new perception from the outside world. The industries and the initiatives that were selected to be featured amply demonstrate the shift in perspective and the self-image that Saudi Arabia seeks to project.

The ministry of sports' efforts to increase women's participation in sports and the ministry of energy's efforts to power homes with natural resources were all on display. Additionally, technology teams showed off their use of data, AI, and ML to transform daily experiences, and a group from Neom projects spoke about the progress made toward what has been predicted to be the future of living.

In a series of immersive and engaging exhibits, work being done by various departments was discussed, including knowledge transfer with local and international partners, net zero carbon emissions, the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to develop solutions for improving the lives of people, and the largest reforestation program in the history of the planet.

The presentations of four ideas included in this mammoth development stressed net-zero carbon emissions, cutting-edge technology like IoT and robotics, and seamless and intelligent supply chains rather than insisting that billions be invested to create Neom, the most ambitious urban living project. The health and wellbeing of residents was emphasized in presentations for The Line, one of the most talked-about urban living projects, with 95% of the area set aside for nature, plans to power the building entirely on renewable energy, and easy access to everyday necessities within a five-minute walk.

The plans that Saudi Arabia wants the rest of the world to be aware of and discuss include the Knowledge Economic City, the Middle East Green Initiative, the Saudi Green Initiative, the Future Investment Initiative, and others. It hopes to be recognized as a technologically advanced nation that is dedicated to sustainability and will employ technology to make life easier. One would never have imagined Saudi Arabia would have shown the Red Sea, a luxury tourism project that will use the best hotels and resorts to draw tourists from all over the world. All of these forthcoming developments are currently being pushed hard all across the world.

Saudi Arabia, led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, wants to tell the world a completely new narrative through increased participation of women in all areas of life, discussions of a clean and green future, the establishment of new tech-driven sustainable cities, and a complete transformation of the education and health sectors. The prince is famous for saying that he believes the area would soon be leading the world. It may very well be one based on the approach they're taking.

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