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The office of the ENT department of SNMMCH Dhanbad was converted into a dengue isolation ward by placing a paper slip on the door

 The office of the ENT department of SNMMCH Dhanbad was converted into a dengue isolation ward by placing a paper slip on the door

On the one hand, Dhanbad is seeing a shar prise in dengue cases. On the other hand, Shaheed Nirmal Mahato Medical College, the biggest government hospital in the state, has only named an isolation ward. A paper notice announcing the establishment of a dengue isolation ward was posted on the door of the ENT department's office. Additionally, there is no suitable setup for monitoring it.

Dhanbad. In Dhanbad, dengue havoc is growing quickly. Dengue has officially claimed the life of one Mahuda resident. Every day, there are more cases of dengue. The health department is preparing for such a scenario.

Isolation ward flyer outside the ENT department's front door.

The isolation ward at Shaheed Nirmal Mahato Medical College and Hospital, the largest government hospital in the neighbourhood, serves as the best illustration of this. To accommodate the hospital management without the required requirements, isolation wards have been developed.

In front of the ENT department office is a dengue ward slip. Wards have been created for both men and women in the same way.

The isolation ward must be thoroughly air-conditioned and cleaned, yet it is open around-the-clock. Additionally, the patient is required to carry his own bedsheet and mosquito net from home.

No medical personnel were sent out, and no staff members were trained.

Even medical professionals and personnel have not been stationed here for a whole day due to the dengue ward's current state. The isolation ward will be visited by the nurses and medical personnel in charge of the general ward. 24-hour monitoring is not practicable in this circumstance.

Additionally, no separate doctors have been sent to the isolation ward. Normally, medical professionals who perform rounds in the indoor ward are permitted to visit this patient once. The patients that are admitted here are not given access to different medications. Patients are forced to purchase their medications outside the hospital.

13 cases of dengue will be reported today

13 suspected dengue patients' samples have currently been collected in Dhanbad. By late Wednesday night, the ELISA reports of suspected patients would be made public. The Health Department is simultaneously collecting samples of people from them in various locations.

Dr. Chandrabhanu, a civil surgeon, stated that the Medical College has been instructed to restore the isolation ward. Any suspicious patients are being examined wherever they are discovered.

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