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How do you develop software?

 How do you develop software?  

Gain knowledge of the fundamentals of software development and how it aids in company innovation and competition.

How do you develop software?

Software development is the name given to a group of computer science tasks involved in developing, deploying, and maintaining software.

The set of instructions or programmes that a computer follows are known as software. It makes computers programmable and is independent of hardware. There are three fundamental kinds:

Operating systems, disc management, utilities, hardware management, and other fundamental operational functions are all provided by system software.

creating computer programmes that provide code-writing tools including text editors, compilers, linkers, and debuggers to programmers.

Applications or apps are pieces of software that assist users in carrying out tasks. Examples include office productivity suites, data management applications, media players, and security software. Web and mobile applications, such as those used to shop on, interact with Facebook, or upload photos to Instagram, are also referred to as applications.1

The fourth category might be embedded software. Software for embedded systems is used to control a variety of machinery and gadgets, including automobiles, industrial robots, telecommunications networks, and more. The Internet of Things (IoT) allows for the connectivity of these hardware and software systems.2

Programmers, software engineers, and developers are primarily responsible for software development. The relationships between these professions vary significantly between development departments and communities, and they interact and overlap.  

To programme computers for certain activities like combining databases, processing online orders, routing communications, running searches, or displaying text and graphics, programmers, also known as coders, produce source code. Programmers often translate instructions from engineers and software developers into actions using programming languages like C++ or Java.

When creating software and systems to address issues, software engineers use engineering concepts. Instead than only coming up with a solution for one instance or customer, they frequently use modelling language and other tools to solve problems in a more general approach. Software engineering solutions follow the scientific process and have to function in the real world, like lifts or bridges. With the advent of microprocessors, sensors, and software, products have become more intelligent, increasing their responsibility.

Software development must be integrated with the product's mechanical and electrical development work because more products are depending on it to differentiate themselves in the market.

Software developers might be heavily involved with particular project areas, including creating code, and have a less formal function than engineers. At the same time, they manage development teams and procedures, oversee software testing, and manage the entire software development lifecycle. This includes working across functional teams to convert requirements into features.3

Software development involves more than just coding and development teams. Even though they aren't primarily software engineers, experts like scientists, gadget builders, and hardware producers nonetheless write software code. Additionally, it is not just limited to conventional information technology sectors like the semiconductor or software industry. In actuality, those corporations "account for less than half of the companies performing software development," according to the Brookings Institute (link is external to

Custom software development as rather than commercial software development is a crucial distinction. The process of developing, building, deploying, and supporting software specifically for a group of users, tasks, or organisations is known as custom software development. Contrarily, commercial off-the-shelf software (COTS) can be packaged, commercially promoted, and distributed because it is made to meet a wide range of criteria.

Process steps for developing software

The following steps are often involved in creating software:

choosing a technique to create a framework for applying the software development process. It outlines the project's overall workflow or road map. Agile development, DevOps, Rapid Application Development (RAD), Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), Waterfall, and other methodologies are examples of methodologies. (Check out the glossary.)

gathering requirements in order to comprehend and record the needs of users and other stakeholders.

selecting or creating an architecture to serve as the fundamental framework for the software.

the process of creating a design that incorporates answers to the issues raised by requirements, frequently using process models and storyboards.

creating a model using a modelling tool that carries out early design validation, prototyping, and simulation using a modelling language like SysML or UML.

using the suitable programming language to write code. involves peer and team review to find issues early and create high-quality software more quickly.

Performing performance testing to mimic load testing on the application, as well as testing using pre-planned scenarios as part of software design and coding.

Understanding all software artefacts (requirements, design, code, test) and managing configuration and defects to create various software versions. To handle and keep track of faults, establish quality assurance priority and release criteria.

releasing the software for usage, as well as addressing and resolving user issues.

if necessary, moving data from current applications or data sources to the new or updated software.

In order to ensure quality and delivery throughout the application lifecycle and to assess the development process, the project is managed and measured using tools like the Capability Maturity Model (CMM).

The steps of the software development lifecycle (SDLC) are compatible with ALM. The administration of concurrent mechanical, electrical, and software development is made possible by the IBM Engineering administration solution, which is a superset of ALM.

Requirements analysis and specification

Design and development



Maintenance and support

The phases of the lifetime can be used to categorise the steps in the software development process, but the lifecycle is significant since it recycles to allow for ongoing improvement. User issues, for instance, that emerge during the maintenance and support phase, can turn into needs at the start of the following cycle.

Why is the development of software crucial?

The prevalence of software development makes it vital as well. According to blogger and vice president of IBM Dibbe Edwards, "Software has emerged as a key differentiator in many products — from cars to laundry machines to thermostats — with a developing Internet of Things connecting them."

A few examples:

Software is used by Soul Machines (link goes outside of to construct artificial online advisers that boost productivity and customer service. The advisers respond to consumer questions and requirements with intelligence, empathy, and efficiency thanks to their human faces, expressions, and voices. Without human assistance, they can respond to over 40% of client questions, and they continuously get better as a result of their encounters. AI capabilities may be incorporated into the development process using IBM Watson Assistant, which allows Soul Machines to produce and deploy an artificial adviser in around 8 to 12 weeks.

According to Erik Bak-Mikkelsen, this is a race. "We must stay current with market developments." Head of cloud operations at car2go is Bak-Mikkelsen (link is external to He is aware that keeping ahead requires adding new features and capabilities to car2go's ride-sharing apps and vehicles. Car2go did this by implementing a DevOps development approach and moving their development operations to a managed services cloud. As a result, development cycles are shorter, time to market is shorter, and scaling is possible for future expansion.

It can be fatal to work near power wires. Engineers divert power from work places using physical tags and padlocks to create electrical "lockouts" for safety reasons. Enedis, a French energy firm, collaborated with IBM Garage for Cloud to create software that equips these locks and tags and connects them to a common network. When they are removed from an engineer's van, tags and locks track the removal and transmit the time and position. A digital map is updated when the engineer attaches the locks to show where they are. To ensure safety, cut downtime, and ease repairs, all stakeholders have access to the same map. Enedis was able to create field-ready prototypes in three months thanks to the collaborative development methodology used by IBM Cloud Garage.

essential elements of efficient software development

Acquiring a competitive edge through the use of software development necessitates being proficient in the methodologies and tools that can hasten the deployment, efficacy, and quality of software.

Artificial intelligence (AI): AI allows computer programmes to mimic human thought processes and learning. The ability to deliver goods and services that disrupt markets and outperform the competition is made possible by neural networks, machine learning, natural language processing, and intellectual abilities. Through application programming interfaces, or APIs, IBM Watson gives developers a mechanism to connect to and use artificial intelligence capabilities as part of their applications. 

By looking for ambiguity, unclear actors, compound or negative requirements, missing units or tolerances, incomplete requirements, and unspecific numbers, IBM Watson may also help you enhance your product specifications.

Native cloud development Building apps to take advantage of cloud settings is known as "cloud-native development." Microservices, which are independent, reusable parts of a cloud-native programme that may be integrated into any cloud environment. These tiny services frequently come bundled in containers and serve as building bricks. This design enables cloud-native apps to take advantage of cloud environments and enhance their performance, flexibility, and extensibility.

Cloud-based development: Software development companies look to the cloud in the same way that IT organisations do to enhance resource management and reduce expenses. In this approach, the cloud can be used as a development platform as a service (PaaS) or quick, flexible, and affordable integrated development environment (IDE). Coding, design, integration, testing, and other development tasks can be supported by cloud-based development environments. Additionally, they can provide access to DevOps, APIs, microservices, and other development tools, services, and knowledge. 

Blockchain: A secure, digitally linked ledger, blockchain removes the expense and vulnerability that parties like banks, regulatory organisations, and other intermediaries add. Businesses are being transformed by it by releasing capital, speeding up procedures, cutting transaction costs, and more.  Software development has a lot of opportunities thanks to blockchain. To transform the way businesses run, developers are utilising distributed ledger technology and open source Hyperledger (link is external to

Low code is defined by Forrester as "Products and/or Cloud Services for Application Development that Employ Visual, Declarative Techniques relying on Programming and are Available to Customers at Low- or No-Cost in Money and Training..." 4 It is, in essence, a development technique that lessens the need for coding and empowers non-programmers or citizen developers to create or contribute to the creation of apps swiftly and affordably.

Analytics: By 2020, there will be over 700,000 opportunities each year for data scientists, data developers, and data engineers. The demand shows how important it is for businesses to derive value and insight from the explosion of data. 

Software designers are including advanced analytics capabilities into their apps as a result. It is easier to direct data exploration, automate predictive analytics, and develop dashboards that give fresh insights and enhance decision-making thanks to cloud-based services and APIs.

Engineering of Model-Based Systems (MBSE) Software modelling languages are employed in MBSE to carry out early software prototype, simulation, and analysis for early validation. Building designs in MBSE aid in the quick transition from design to implementation as well as the analysis and elaboration of project needs.  

Mobile: Developing mobile apps with strong linkages to data that enhance and elevate user experiences is a vital skill for software developers. According to a study by Forrester, "deeply integrating digital/mobile customer data has a strong effect on how customers interact with brands."

An instant glossary

With agile development, requirements are broken down into easily consumable functions that are quickly delivered through incremental development. As functionality is deployed, a feedback loop assists in identifying and correcting errors.

Software development processes' competence is evaluated using the Capability Maturity Model (CMM). It keeps track of the progression from impromptu activities through specified phases, measured results, and improved procedures.

In the design, development, deployment, and support of software, DevOps, which stands for "development and operations," integrates software development and IT operations.

Rapid application development (RAD) is a non-linear methodology that integrates the design and coding phases into a single step. A technique to scale the agile methodology to a bigger software development team or organisation is provided by the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe).

Waterfall is a collection of cascading linear processes from planning and requirements collecting to deployment and maintenance. It is frequently referred to as the classic software development technique.

Toolkits and solutions for software development

Rhapsody for IBM Engineering Systems Design

a tried-and-true method for modelling and design tasks that enables you to produce systems and software of higher calibre more quickly.

Go to IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody to learn more. 

Management of IBM Engineering Workflow

By automatically recording changes to artefacts, advanced software version control, workspace management, distributed source control, and parallel development support for people and teams can increase productivity. To address work interruptions, the software allows a virtually limitless suspend-and-resume feature.

Find out more about IBM Engineering Workflow Management. 

Integrated Adapters by IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimisation

connects third-party tools like Git, GitLib, and GitHub to IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management solutions for managing software version control.

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