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FAQs on artificial intelligence (AI)

FAQs on artificial intelligence (AI)

What purpose did artificial intelligence serve?

A: Only Newton asked why the apple fell to the ground among the millions of people who have ever lived. The rest of the populace was occupied assigning blame for each other's failures and mishaps. That much intellect is present in humans on a general basis. Humans are unable to unravel the mysteries of anything, from viruses on the smallest scale to the universe on the greatest. Everything is out of human comprehension, including marriage, love, war, visas, lotteries, and IQ. Artificial intelligence was required for this reason.  

Does artificial intelligence actually exist?

A: Because it does not develop within the human brain, it is referred to as artificial. similar to fake nails and eyelashes. That is the human ego in action; anything created outside of the body and used to improve the appearance is considered artificial. 

How intelligent is artificial intelligence, exactly?

A: Seemingly, yeah. The intelligence of the person creating artificial intelligence is the only constraining factor. We can only expect intelligent output from intelligent input, after all. AI created by a politician will undoubtedly be inferior to AI created by naturally genius Einstein.

Who needs artificial intelligence, exactly?

A: All barring the inventors of fire and the wheel. Even Newton and Einstein put out theories, and now the rest of the world is working to confirm or refute them. It is sensible to measure electricity's speed, but it is not intelligent to be unable to connect every person to the grid. Giving 90% of the world's wealth to 10% of the people was not intelligent, but creating money was. It is wise to choose leaders, but it is not wise to limit candidates to the unscrupulous. 

Where will artificial intelligence come from?

A: Artificial intelligence will soon be for sale, just like everything else on earth. Artificial intelligence will be sold everywhere, including Amazon, Costco, neighborhood stores, barber shops, and duty-free shops. To distinguish between genuine artificial intelligence and false artificial intelligence, however, a minimum level of intelligence will be needed. Always more intelligent than victims are con artists. 

Will it aid in lessening my conflicts with my spouse?

A: Wise individuals don't get married. So, AI is unquestionably required. Yes, it will instruct you on when to be silent and how to behave. However, if your spouse has access to a more advanced kind of AI, she will learn what you are thinking, and there will be no way out. This proposal is based on the artificial intelligence-generated feedback that a husband asked the question. 

Will purchasing artificial intelligence for my child increase his exam scores?

A: This illustrates the ignorance and worry of the parents. Every type of AI will be available for purchase. You may purchase an AI chip that comes pre-loaded with all the necessary knowledge for any vocation, whether it be in engineering, architecture, or medicine. The price of those comparable to elite universities or overseas colleges will be higher. Therefore, there is no need for the youngster to take examinations; all they need is government-approved professional AI. 

Do I require AI?

A: That's a challenging question. If someone thinks they don't need AI, it suggests they are intelligent enough to function without it. A person who needs AI isn't smart enough to recognize it. Catch 23 is that. 

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