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Watch: Suspected Theft Sneaks Into Drain Before US Police Pull Him Out

 Watch: Suspected Theft Sneaks Into Drain Before US Police Pull Him Out

A possible package thief was rescued from the drain after a drone located where they were hiding.

In the United States' Fayette County, a suspected package thief who was running from the law spent more than an hour hiding in a storm drain before being discovered and apprehended by police utilising drones and a K-9 dog.

Fayette County police said that after making an effort to take goods from homes' porches and accidentally causing a minor traffic accidents, the suspect escaped on foot.

The defendant tried to hide underneath a storm drain in Fayette County, Georgia, to escape being apprehended. To keep an eye on the suspect's movements, the police used a drone.

In a statement, Fayette County police noted that "last week we had a person of interest who fled from a hit-and-run accident outside the city of Tyrone after trying to grab packages from porches."

FoxNews reports that officers pepper sprayed the more than 50 yards of drain pipe after issuing several warnings. However, no one emerged from either end.

No amount of pleading could get him to come out, as seen by the drone camera video. But as soon as police sent Axe, a K-9 dog, down into the drain, the burglar quickly rose to the surface.

After the incident, he was checked for dog bites and treated for pepper spray exposure before being formally taken into custody at the Fayette County Jail.

He then entered a drainage pipe and vanished underneath a neighbourhood. Our deputies were able to securely follow his movements by flying down into the pipe with the use of a drone. This allowed deputies to assess the situation and safely send out a K9 to pull the suspect from the drain, according to the police department.

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