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To support the commercial sector, ISRO delivers satellite bus technology to Alpha Design

 To support the commercial sector, ISRO delivers satellite bus technology to Alpha Design

Col. H S Shankar (Ret. ), Chairman and Managing Director of ADTL, received the technology transfer documents in a formal presentation from D Radhakrishnan, Chairman and Managing Director of NSIL.

In an effort to increase private industry involvement in the nation's space sector, ISRO said on Saturday that it has handed the IMS-1 Satellite Bus Technology to Alpha Design Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

The commercial branch of ISRO, NewSpace India Limited (NSIL), enabled the technology transfer through a contract signed on August 2 at a ceremony held at the NSIL headquarters, according to information posted on the space agency's website.

Col. H S Shankar (Ret. ), Chairman and Managing Director of ADTL, received the technology transfer documents in a formal presentation from D Radhakrishnan, Chairman and Managing Director of NSIL.

According to the NSIL Interest Exploratory Note (IEN), ADTL is one of the two private parties designated to receive the transfer of this technology.

The transfer of satellite bus technology created by ISRO to commercial firms officially begins with this transaction. Furthermore, a group of enterprises is working to produce the PSLV.

By supporting and spreading the expertise, ISRO has made it possible for private actors to develop space technology, assuring both outbound and inward methods.

The satellite bus is a flexible and effective small satellite platform created by ISRO's U R Rao Satellite Centre (URSC) to enable affordable access to space. The bus is used as a specialised carrier carrying a variety of payloads, enabling missions for space science, microwave satellite imagery, earth imaging, and maritime and atmospheric research.

The IMS-1 bus, which weighs roughly 100 kg, can carry a payload of 30 kg. According to ISRO, solar panels have a power output of 330W and a raw bus voltage of 30-42 V. It also has a 3-axis stabilisation system with four reaction wheels and a 1 Newton thruster that delivers +/- 0.1 degree aiming precision.

IMS-1 bus is used in IMS-2 bus technology as a precursor since it is capable of increased features.

It claimed that the IMS-1 bus had been used on earlier ISRO missions including IMS-1, Youthsat, and Microsat-2D.

It also stated that the development unlocks up new avenues for private players to make contributions to space research and exploration, and is consistent at India's vision to increase its presence in the global space market. ISRO/DoS's goal in transferring the IMS-1 modern technology to the private sector is to support India's expansion of industry in the field of space exploration and foster technical self-reliance.

An aerospace and defence firm, Alpha Design Technologies Pvt. Ltd., specialises in engineering, production, and system integration. It has played a crucial role in several initiatives relating to military, space, and homeland security, greatly advancing India's technical development in these fields.

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