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The Jharkhand government is putting salt, sand, and glass powder on cardholders' plates while also messing with their lives

 The Jharkhand government is putting salt, sand, and glass powder on cardholders' plates while also messing with their lives

news in Jharkhand The government now includes glass and sand powder in the packages distributed at the public distribution system stores administered by the Jharkhand government. There has been a commotion throughout the entire block since people learned about this. People often feel as though the rice they are eating contains rocks. Later, it is discovered that the salt is to blame.

  Sand and glass powder are now included in the government-provided packets at the public distribution system stores administered by the Jharkhand government. There has been a commotion when people learned about this in

Block development officer Chhanda Bhattacharya quickly requested salt after learning about the event and had it examined; indeed, sand and glass powder were discovered in the salt. Even the cops expressed disbelief at what they saw.

iodized salt package with sand stones in it

Harendra Sahu, a resident of Jori in the Ghaghra Panchayat, made the situation public. He said that he had begun using three packets of packaged iodized salt that he had purchased from the Public Distribution System store.

He claimed that everytime he used to eat, sand and stones would accompany the meal. They speculated that the rice may include stones.

Following this, the rice was adequately cooked, and you could begin eating. Still, stones began to arrive. Harendra Sahu was troubled by the fact that stones were present in his food whenever salt was added, and then he had the startling impression that the salt itself included pebbles.

He then added salt to the glass, which he saw dissolve and reveal sand and powdered glass in the lowest layer of the glass. And then he told those nearby what had happened.

prohibition on salt distribution

Sand and lead were discovered when the locals tested it as well. Chhanda Bhattacharya, the block development officer, was questioned about it and requested a fresh package, which was then dissolved in his office.

Where he also saw that salt had been combined with glass, sand, and powder.

When the Block Development Officer realised that the claim was true, he or she promptly alerted District Supply Officer Poonam of the situation. As a result, all salt distribution by public distribution system retailers was immediately prohibited.

Additionally, the locals were urged not to use the salt provided by the Jharkhand government. He stated that the salt had been transferred to the lab for more research.

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