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Girl, 10, Marries Boyfriend in the US Days Before Leukaemia Death

 Girl, 10, Marries Boyfriend in the US Days Before Leukaemia Death

In spite of Emma's diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) in April of last year, her parents, Alina and Aaron Edwards, expressed optimism that she would be able to recover.

Just days before she passed away from leukaemia, a 10-year-old American girl who always wanted to be married wed her childhood boyfriend. Just 12 days before the 10-year-old fell tragically, on June 29, Emma Edwards and Daniel Marshall Christopher "DJ" Williams were wed in a lavish ceremony, according to the New York Post. 

When Emma's parents, Alina and Aaron Edwards, learned that she had acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) in April of last year, they expressed hope that she would recover.

However, the devastating news that Emma's illness was incurable and she had merely days to live was delivered to the family in June, according to the outlet's citation of Kennedy News Media. 

As Ms. Alina stated, "We were headed for different kind of administration, and they also told us that she likely had days left a week, not weeks" to live. 

We just did not expect to hear that. We believed that pursuing a different course of treatment would be successful. It hit you in the stomach. You cannot picture them telling her that there is nothing further they can do for her, she continued. 

After learning the tragic news, Ms. Alina and DJ's mother immediately got busy organising a phoney "wedding". "It had to happen really quickly. Everything was given; we put it together in less than two days," Ms. Alina said of the wedding, which was a garden event attended by around 100 people.

It was really sweet and put together perfectly. Her father might claim to have given her away. Her best friend served as maid of honour, while a friend of ours conducted the ceremony and recited a Bible scripture.

Ms. Alina also gave her new son-in-law high compliments. DJ is the most kind-hearted person you'll ever meet. He truly cares about Emma and has a heart of gold," she said.

Alina Edward also disclosed that Emma appeared to be a healthy kid up until April 2022, when her parents brought her to the hospital after she collapsed and doctors found she had cancer in the bones of her legs. She did, however, claim that the medical professionals had stated that the illness was "common" in youngsters and most likely treatable. Sadly, Emma couldn't say the same. 

Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), for those who are unaware, is a kind of cancer that affects the bone marrow and blood. The Mayo Clinic claims that it advances swiftly and aggressively and need rapid medical attention. Children and adults can both be impacted. 

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