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Dhanbad: In response to traffic regarding the Gaya Bridge, people started a Twitter campaign against departmental incompetence


Dhanbad: In response to traffic regarding the Gaya Bridge, people started a Twitter campaign against departmental incompetence

People in Dhanbad are having a lot of issues as a result of the building of the envisioned subway near the Gaya bridge being delayed. There is traffic every day for hours. The citizens of Dhanbad started a Twitter campaign on Saturday because they were sick of government inactivity and bureaucratic negligence. More than 50 ladies, men, and senior citizens participated in this demonstration.

Dhanbad: The Shramik Chowk, the lifeblood of Dhanbad, has been plagued by traffic congestion for years near the Gaya bridge. During the wet season, there is flooding here. Leave it to pedestrians; this route is narrow for autos.

Plan to build an underpass on the Gaya bridge

The Gaya bridge underpass project has been in the works for a while now in an effort to solve the traffic problem. Every time, one impediment or another stands in its way. At this time, a lengthier wait will be required for the proposed subway in the Gaya bridge to solve the current traffic issue.

The contractor's bid was rejected

Contractor Sheela Construction's bidding was cancelled by the state cabinet because its financial bid was 30% more than the tender amount. As a result, the departmental procedure will be repeated and the tender will be released again. Considering this, the subway might have to wait a while.

Described your issues with placards

The citizens of Dhanbad started a Twitter campaign on Saturday because they were sick of government inactivity and bureaucratic negligence. He voiced his grievances while holding banners and standing in front of the Gaya bridge. attempted to awaken the government and elected officials. This performance featured more than 50 ladies, men, and senior citizens.

These statements were made on placards

I am a bridge, helpless, helpless, people of Dhanbad plead for my salvation, why are you neglecting me, since I am neither a temple nor a mosque nor a gurudwara, and no significant accidents occur, was written on the placards. Do not wait for me to cross the bridge to safety.

You are thrown off my lap every day, and if you discuss salvation, you inform the authorities. This raises questions such as: What went wrong? Why am I implying the Holocaust? How long will I keep quiet? used catchphrases to try to raise awareness.

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