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BJP state president abused our leader in Jharkhand... FIR was filed by a JMM leader against Babulal Marandi

 BJP state president abused our leader in Jharkhand... FIR was filed by a JMM leader against Babulal Marandi

Babulal Marandi, the state president of the Jharkhand BJP, gets a FIR filed against him at the Kanke police station for inciting animosity towards Hemant Soren's family. Sonu Tirkey, a leader of the JMM and a resident of Kanke Patratoli, complained about Babulal Marandi to the police on Wednesday. The FIR claims that Babulal Marandi disparaged the Soren family by using offensive language.

Ranchi): At the Kanke police station, a complaint has been made against Babulal Marandi, the state head of the Jharkhand BJP, for inciting animosity towards the Soren family, the state's chief minister.

Sonu Tirkey, a leader of the JMM and a resident of Kanke Patratoli, complained about Babulal Marandi to the police on Wednesday.

Shibu Soren and CM Hemant Soren were the targets of Babulal Marandi's alleged use of harsh and insulting language, according to the FIR filed at the Kanke police station.

According to the FIR, Babulal Marandi used disparaging remarks about the Soren family in speech and on social media to incite enmity and further his political career.

mention in a social media post

The FIR claims that Babulal Marandi uploaded a message on Followup Jharkhand's Facebook page on August 16. The Soren family has been referred to in this post as being born thieves and looters.

Sonu Tirkey claims that because of these social media posts, our leader's entire family has been ruined and pillaged. This makes me feel belittled.

Sonu Tirkey has asked for the filing of a FIR against Babulal Marandi under sections 500, 504, and 505 of the IPC, among other pertinent provisions. The police have filed a FIR against them based on this.

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