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Between January and March 2023, YouTube India banned 1.9 million videos for breaking community norms

 Between January and March 2023, YouTube India banned 1.9 million videos for breaking community norms

Globally, nearly 6.48 million videos were taken down by YouTube over the same time frame for breaking community rules.

According to a study published by the well-known video streaming service, between January and March 2023, India had the largest number of videos banned for breaking YouTube's community standards with over 1.9 million.

Globally, nearly 6.48 million videos were taken down by YouTube over the same time frame for breaking community rules.

Global information on the flags YouTube receives and the methods used to enforce its rules is provided in the Community Guidelines Enforcement report.

Over 1.9 million videos were taken down from YouTube in India between January and March 2023 for breaking the Community Guidelines. In contrast, 6,54,968 films were taken down in the US, 4,91,933 in Russia, and 4,49,759 in Brazil.

Our Community Guidelines have shielded the YouTube community from harmful content since the beginning of our organisation. We use a combination of human reviewers and machine learning to enforce our regulations, according to YouTube.

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