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After retirement, love blossomed, and the couple married at the age of 80. They also had a honeymoon

 After retirement, love blossomed, and the couple married at the age of 80. They also had a honeymoon

When I Retire Amazing Love Story: After retirement, many individuals believe that their lives are over. Rosa, 81, and Christopher Streets, 82, however, disagree. Both of them were married and took a honeymoon when they were this old.

Amazing Love Story: Growing older does not indicate the end of life. People frequently believe that their lives have reached their final chapter after retirement. Rosa, 81, and Christopher Streets, 82, however, disagree. They separated from their families and relocated to a retirement community after they both retired from their careers.

where he desired to devote his life to helping people. Rosa's husband had gone away a few years prior, so if Christopher didn't have a wife, she was Rosa. Both were single and enjoying their lives. Then something occurred, and they both experienced love. At this age, they both got married. went on a honeymoon even. These days, there is a lot of debate in Britain over this love tale.

Rosa explains that during our first encounter, I sat down in front of her and saw that she was seated close to the window. She was wearing wonderful yellow socks that nearly appeared to glitter in the sunlight as the sun was beaming on her. Then he approached me, sat down on the couch, and we began conversing.

When we both later fell in love, nobody knew. Both of us had the same option. Like me, he was interested in theatre, music, art, and history. We began meeting, and eventually the subject turned to marriage.

After the passing of my lover, I had no feelings

Both families are Somerset residents. However, they both arrived in the retirement community of Keesham because they were not feeling well after the passing of their respective wives. According to Christopher, I thought Rosa to be incredibly endearing, kind, and sympathetic. We share a lot of characteristics. Together, we used to travel everywhere.

used to talk quite a bit. She is incredibly lovely, and occasionally she helps me to control my anger. Rosa said, "I found talking to Christopher to be very easy right away." He pays close attention, is quite attentive, and is very sensitive to any subject we are discussing. Those, in my opinion, are beautiful traits in a man!

18 months after they initially met, they got married

After initially meeting over a coffee morning and dating for 18 months, the pair were married in late July. The families of both parties were present to rejoice on this particular occasion. Both of them afterwards had a honeymoon.

Christopher said, chuckling, "My proposal was also fantastic." I couldn't possibly stand up if I got down on one knee. I had to do this, though. Recognise that I was mumbling a little. Fortunately, Roja laughed and replied, "Yes," so we set a date for the wedding. Both of us found it to be incredibly emotional. We streamed the event live to our relatives in New Zealand as well as to our children and grandkids who live there. The day was great, and everything went according to plan.

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