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Ranchi: The Public Service Committee made a commitment by planting saplings as part of the "Plant trees, save trees" programme that was held at Bandhwar Academy

 Ranchi: The Public Service Committee made a commitment by planting saplings as part of the "Plant trees, save trees" programme that was held at Bandhwar Academy

The Public Service Committee in Jharkhand organised a seedling planting programme at Bandhwar Academy in Chanho on Thursday, July 27, and members of the committee as well as the academy administration took part. A commitment to plant trees, protect trees, and maintain a green society was made throughout the course, and this effort is being done as part of an awareness campaign. The Public Service Committee's president and members were greeted by the Academy with flowers.

Ranchi: On Thursday, July 27, the Lok Seva Samiti in Jharkhand held a seedling planting programme at Bandhwar Academy in Chanho, in which the committee representatives and the academy administration took part.

Pledges were made throughout the event to plant trees, conserve trees, and create a greener society; this effort is being done as part of an awareness campaign.

vowed to shoulder responsibilities

The President and members of Lok Seva Samiti were welcomed by Bandhwar Academy with a flower bouquet and a gift, and they were assured that they will take care of the plants on all of the premises.

The programme was successful thanks to Padmashree Madhu Mansuri, the principal and guardian of the Public Service Committee, Dr. Seema Prasad, Kanchan Das, Chairman Mohammad Naushad, school director Ashok Baghwar, Principal, and instructors.

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