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Rajasthan's minimum wage will be guaranteed thanks to a measure that the Gehlot administration introduced

 Rajasthan's minimum wage will be guaranteed thanks to a measure that the Gehlot administration introduced

Rajasthan News Jaipur: A measure to ensure that state residents get a minimum wage has been submitted in the legislature by the Ashok Gehlot administration. Numerous arrangements have been incorporated in this to offer aid to the populace. Read over the clauses included in this measure.

Jaipur. The Rajasthan Minimum Income Guarantee Bill-2023 was introduced in the House by the Ashok Gehlot administration to give social security and financial assistance to the state's residents, housewives, and labourers. Is.

The minimum age for people who are covered by this law has been maintained at 18 years old. The eligible groups for the Mahatma Gandhi Minimum Income Guarantee Scheme, Indira Gandhi Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme, Chief Minister Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, as well as old people with special needs, widows, and single women, will have the right to a minimum income guarantee. A budget of Rs 2500 crore has been set out for this. It may be raised over time.

Adult residents of the state's urban and rural areas will have the right to the minimum wage on working days according to this law. If the government does not fill the position within 15 days after receiving the application required by this legislation, the applicant will then they are qualified to get unemployment benefits.

Right to Social Security Pension Assured

The state government has social security pension in which elderly, physically disabled, widowed, and single women arrive, they would be eligible to pension under the Minimum Income Guarantee Bill 2023. Starting with the fiscal year 2024–2025, the pension will grow by 15% annually on the base rate in two parts, or 5% in July and 10% in January. However, the person's pension will not be increased until at least 12 months have passed since the day the pension was approved.

A advisory board is being created

Under the direction of the Chief Secretary, an advisory board would be established to oversee the routine monitoring and evaluation of the provisions of the regulations issued in accordance with the Rajasthan Minimum Income Guarantee Bill 2023. Members of the advisory board will include the secretary to the government responsible for the departments of planning, finance, social justice, self-government, and the development of agriculture and panchayati raj. The state government has included the necessary provisions in this bill to promptly address the applicants' complaints.

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