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People travel from far and wide to visit this dream home, even though only 10% of the cement is used and there is no air conditioning in the space

People travel from far and wide to visit this dream home, even though only 10% of the cement is used and there is no air conditioning in the space

People travel from far and wide to visit this dream home, even though only 10% of the cement is used and there is no air conditioning in the space

The soil taken from the earth inside the house itself was used to construct it. Where the soil was taken, a system for collecting water was created.

Panchkula and Tara Thakur. Due to the fact that it was constructed utilising both ancient and modern techniques, a house in the village of Bunga has recently become the centre of attention. This is also demonstrating effectiveness in maintaining a lovely, safe, and clean environment.

Actually, by planting 6,000 trees in her yard, Manisha Gupta has sent a strong message to the populace. At the same time, the family raises 150 different kinds of plants at home, including vegetables and legumes.

Manisha promotes environmental awareness while supporting Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "Lifestyle Fit for Environment" project. Manisha stated that she is fighting to preserve the natural environment. After first planting 6000 trees, he took steps to prevent soil erosion and water loss on his property, which helped him save between 30 and 40 million litres of water while still using it for daily necessities.

current home

Manisha claims that she had her house built when she moved to Panchkula from Gurugram so that it may be beneficial for future generations and even if it were to be dismantled at some point, there would be no harm to the environment. By forcing the earth far away from the monastery and filling it, this house has been constructed. This home doesn't need an air conditioner either because it's composed of mud and stone. The total amount of cement needed to build this house is just 10%.

using specialised clay

The soil that was taken from the land inside the home was used to construct it. Where the soil was taken, a system for collecting water was created. The water tank holds all of the rainwater, which helps to meet the needs of the year. Water from the kitchen and laundry is used for irrigation, however. This home's construction cost was comparable to that of a typical home. Since more technology is used in this, more people are also offered jobs. More natural resources are being utilised.

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