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Manoharpur: After a day of rain, a pond turned into a road, making it challenging to leave the house

 Manoharpur: After a day of rain, a pond turned into a road, making it challenging to leave the house

Manoharpur (Ajay Singh): The city's roadways have become ponds as a result of one day's worth of rain. People now find it challenging to leave their houses as a result. The Sunday weekly market was affected by the torrential rain that has been falling since Sunday morning. The store owners, who have their establishment located in the market's shed, are seeing the lack of consumers. The open-air vendors, though, are awaiting the end of the downpour.

On the other side, the farmers are ecstatic since it has been raining since the morning. The farmer brothers, on the other hand, assert that planting paddy brings some alleviation. The labour involved in farming would have been more than half if this rain had occurred 10 to 15 days earlier. Nevertheless, the farmers have begun preparing their fields for planting as a result of today's rain.

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