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Madan Das Devi, a prominent Sangh activist, has passed away, and the RSS has lost a talented organiser

 Madan Das Devi, a prominent Sangh activist, has passed away, and the RSS has lost a talented organiser

Madan Das  Madan Das Devi, a prominent member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, passed away on Monday morning in Bengaluru. On Tuesday, his last rituals will be performed in Pune. The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad has been carried on in large part by Madan Das. He had made the decision to work for the country despite winning a Gold Medal in Chartered Accountant during his time as a student.

Ranchi. Madan Das Devi, a veteran activist for the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and a former Sah Sarkaryavah, passed away in Bengaluru on Monday morning. He was 81 years old. He was a good organiser and had a reputation for tight discipline.

Many of the employees he trained are still employed by Sangh affiliates like the RSS and BJP today. One of the employees he prepared is Dattatreya Hosabale, who is currently the Sarkaryavah of the Sangh.

Many leaders of the Sangh, including Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat, Sarkaryavah Dattatreya Hosabale, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, Vikas Bharti Secretary Padmashree Ashok Bhagat, Area Contact Chief Anil Thakur, many BJP ministers, and office holders of subsidiary organisations, have sent their condolences in response to his passing.

On Tuesday, the last rituals for Das will be held in Pune

In his sympathy letter, Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated that he has spent his whole life to serving the country. I not only shared a strong relationship with him, but I also continuously learned a lot from him.

According to RSS Sah Sarkaryavah Manmohan Vaidya, Madan Das ji significantly aided in the rapid formation of Vidyarthi Parishad. The chief used to speak frankly with everyone while the Pracharak in the Sangh was under his control. He was very open to new concepts. He stated that his funeral will take place on Tuesday in Pune.

important part in advancing ABVP

The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad has been carried on in large part by Madan Das. He chose to work for the country despite winning a Gold Medal in Chartered Accountant during his time as a student. He served as General Secretary of the National Organisation of ABVP from 1970 until 1992. He put an effort throughout the period to bolster

sent out a large number of trained organisers to numerous organisations, including the BJP. Atal Bihari Vajpayee oversaw the task of coordinating between the government and the union when that government was in power at the federal level and led by him. It is stated that during the time he was instrumental in mending the rift between Vajpayee ji and Ashok Singhal, the national general secretary of the VHP, over the Ram temple.

Madan Das ji was rich in personality building, according to Padma Shri Ashok Bhagat, secretary of Vikas Bharti and former state organisation general secretary of the ABVP. The workers assigned to each task were identified.

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