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Kiriburu: In Rovam, the people donated their time to repair the hammer

 Kiriburu: In Rovam, the people donated their time to repair the hammer

Kiriburu: In Rovam, the people donated their time to repair the hammer

at response to the PHED department's inactivity, the Gangda Panchayat of Saranda created Chapakal by performing shramdaan at the Rowam market, according to Kiriburu (Shailesh Singh). The chapakal of Rovam market was renovated by Munda Budhram Sidhu and Panchayat Samiti member Rameshwar Champia at their own expense and with the assistance of the locals. 

He claimed that Chapakal had been awful for the previous 1.5 years. A complaint was filed to the departmental personnel from the Panchayat and various levels in order to correct this. But nobody paid attention. Chapakal's borehole is incredibly deep. As a result, its water continues to be very sweet and pure. For this reason, the handpump was utilised to supply water to the entire hamlet. Since this hand pump was destroyed, our town has been faced with a drinking water shortage.

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