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Judge from Allahabad High Court complains to Railways after being inconvenienced in the train, and CJI Chandrachud steps in to help

 Judge from Allahabad High Court complains to Railways after being inconvenienced in the train, and CJI Chandrachud steps in to help

The Chief Justice of India, DY Chandrachud (CJI DY Chandrachud), has written to all of the country's High Court Chief Justices to express his concern. According to him, judges should not utilise the protocol "facilities" that are accessible to them to make a claim of privilege.

In Delhi. When the judge of the Allahabad High Court requested an explanation from the Railways on his behalf owing to an inconvenience in the train, Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud (CJI DY Chandrachud) interfered in the situation. He has objected to the High Court registrar asking the railway authorities for explanation. He has written to the Chief Justices of each of the nation's High Courts on this matter.

From this, he concluded that the letter sent to the Railway General Manager by a High Court officer had caused legitimate concern both inside and outside the legal system. He claims that judges should not state a claim using the "protocol facilities" that are made available to them.

All High Court justices need to be aware of this issue

CJI DY Chandrachud wrote in his letter that doing such task makes him different from the rest of society. What maintains the integrity and legitimacy of the judiciary and the confidence society has in its judges is the prudent exercise of judicial authority, both within and outside the bench. He stated that all of the High Court justices should be aware of this issue.

Railway personnel are not subject to the disciplinary authority of a high court judge.

According to him, I would like to call your attention to a letter that the General Manager of Railways received from the Registrar in charge of the Protocol Section of one of our High Courts. The High Court judge who was taking a train ride with his wife is the recipient of this letter. In actuality, the High Court judge lacks disciplinary authority over railway employees. The High Court official was therefore unable to ask for clarification. It's vital to bring this remark up in front of the judge.

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