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Is a picture required to rank a blog article in Google?

 Is a picture required to rank a blog article in Google?

No, a blog article does not need a picture to rank in Google. For purposes of determining the quality and relevancy of a webpage, Google's search engines largely rely on its textual content. Nevertheless, graphics may still help you improve user experience and search engine optimisation for your blog article. 

Visual appeal: Including pertinent, high-quality photographs in your blog article may make it more appealing to the eye, interesting to the reader, and simpler to read.

User experience: By breaking up the text, offering concrete examples, or illuminating ideas, images may improve the user experience. This can improve reader comprehension and keep them interested in your information.

Image optimisation: You should optimise your photos for search engines when you include them in your blog article. This entails giving the files meaningful filenames, including accurate alt text with the image, and compressing the photos to speed up page load time.

Traffic for picture searches: Although text-based searches are more common, image searches are also widely used. By making your photographs optimised, you could get visitors who are especially looking for images on your topic.

Google occasionally places highlighted snippets, which may also contain photos, near the top of search results. Including pertinent articles that could be featured in these snippets may improve your website's visibility and organic traffic.

Keep in mind that the most crucial element for ranking in Google is the total quality and relevancy of your material, including the text.

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