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Good news for TMBU graduate students: you may now enrol up to this date

 Good news for TMBU graduate students: you may now enrol up to this date

TMBU: DSW Pro. Yogendra stated that the Vice-Chancellor gave the go-ahead for the extension of the enrolment deadline, bearing in mind the needs of the students. Enrollment was refused to several kids. Currently, students can enrol immediately.

Bhagalpur. The administration of Tilkamanjhi Bhagalpur University has chosen to extend the deadline for on-the-spot enrolment for the current undergraduate semester 2023–2027. This choice was made during the vice chancellor's meeting with the officers. DSW Pro. Yogendra gave the Vice-Chancellor information on the statistics surrounding the graduation enrolment thus far. Prof. Jawahar Lal, vice chancellor, then issued instructions to extend the nomination deadline.

According to DSW, enrollment will be open to new students from July 31, 2023, through August 2, 2023. Notice regarding the extension of the date of conditional nomination has been published per the Vice-Chancellor's orders. According to DSW Pro. Yogendra, the Vice-Chancellor gave the go-ahead to extend the enrolment date while keeping in mind the interests of the students. The laws and regulations of the institution, he claimed, and not the output and demands of any one student organisation. The timing has been adjusted to take into account the students' broader interests.

A lot of students were denied enrollment

Enrollment was refused to several kids. Currently, students can enrol immediately. The remaining pupils will now avoid wasting one more year. One must arrive to the designated college with the required documentation. All colleges will accept enrollment.

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