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In roughly 40 years, one act of recklessness during a conflict will destroy all satellites

In roughly 40 years, one act of recklessness during a conflict will destroy all satellites

In roughly 40 years, one act of recklessness during a conflict will destroy all satellites

It would be terrible for the whole lower orbit of the planet if even one satellite were accidently or purposefully destroyed in space. The evaluation predicts that this will start a series of events that will leave the orbit satelliteless and no satellites will survive.

Russia performed a military test in 2021 in which one of their own satellites was destroyed. As a result, the International Space Station's occupants—including the Russian cosmonauts themselves—were alarmed because America had sent the station a danger alert signal. The fact that the satellite's fragments posed a threat to the station's continued operation caused all the passengers in the station to be concerned about potential danger. But will another incident like this one be dangerous? So, sure, that is the solution to this query. Instead, the situation might evolve such that all the satellites currently in the lower orbit could be destroyed one after the other if even one of these incidents occurs in the future.

Million satellite components

Russia's action was criticised everywhere in the globe. Slenia-D, the wrecked satellite, weighed 1750 kg and was fragmented into tiny fragments by the impact with the incorrect object; even an inch-sized fragment is sufficient to destroy any satellite. is adequate. These parts continue to move quickly in low earth orbit.

40 years of waste and ruin

That tragedy put not just the International Space Station but also China's Tiangong Space Station at peril. Along with this, numerous nations' small and large satellites were in peril. The risks of antisatellite weapons were made clear by that occurrence.

Recent studies have demonstrated that this space debris might start a chain reaction that would eventually kill every satellite in the lower orbit in 40 years.

how many and how large bits are dangerous?

This debris cloud was created in 2021 by an explosion that produced 1500 fragments that were at least 10 cm in size and could be seen by radars on Earth. However, there are millions more of these tiny fragments that may do a lot of damage. These particles, which have a 300 km radius and a 1100 km height, pose a serious hazard to all satellites, according to NASA.

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