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Dalit youth's face was blackened in a love affair and paraded across the village; sarpanch and girl's father were found guilty

 Dalit youth's face was blackened in a love affair and paraded across the village; sarpanch and girl's father were found guilty


Hisar News: The court found Gulab Singh, the girl's father, and Raju, the village's current sarpanch, guilty, but absolved the other 13 defendants by giving them the benefit of the doubt. The age of this case was eleven.

Hisar. In Hisar, Haryana, a special court found the girl's father, Gulab Singh, and the then-and-current sarpanch Raju guilty of violating the SC-ST Act by darkening the face of a Dalit adolescent during an 11-year-old love affair. 13 other defendants were exonerated by the court. The hamlet of Puthi Saman is involved in the case. The discussion of the sentence will take place on July 31.

The victim's lawyer, Rajat Kalsan, said that the young Dalit man was in love with a girl from the village's non-Scheduled Caste group. After learning that hundreds of people attended a panchayat that was held by the local sarpanch Raju and the girl's father Gulab Singh on June 1, 2012, the two began seeing each other. The young guy was called into a meeting at this time, and he was reprimanded for falling in love with a girl from a non-scheduled caste society. we both adore each other, the boy stated in reference to it.

Following this, the Panchayat blackened the Dalit youth's face, led him around the hamlet, and fined him 11,000 rupees. For 11 years, he was exiled from the village. In this case, the young guy had filed a complaint against 15 persons, including Narnaud, the girl's father, and the sarpanch of the police station.

The police jeep was also kept hostage when the police arrived to apprehend the suspect after the case had been filed. The cops were also attacked with stones. As a result, the police were unable to detain any of the defendants in this case. The accused had been called to court, and the police handed the challan there.

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