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Bade Babu arrived at college wearing underwear and a vest, started working while seated, and provided this response after his photograph went viral

 Bade Babu arrived at college wearing underwear and a vest, started working while seated, and provided this response after his photograph went viral

Bade Babu arrived at college wearing underwear and a vest, started working while seated, and provided this response after his photograph went viral

Hamirpur News: Images of a senior Babu from a degree institution working for the government while wearing underwear and vests have gone viral in the Hamirpur region of Uttar Pradesh. The college clerk may be seen wearing vests and underwear in the popular photo. The district magistrate ordered the principal to form an inquiry committee after the images went viral.

Hamirpur. Pictures of a senior clerk from the Government Post Graduate College working for the government in the Hamirpur district of Uttar Pradesh are going viral. On the other hand, the District Magistrate took notice of the situation as soon as the picture gained popularity and gave directions for action in addition to summoning the college's principal. A committee to look into the entire situation has been formed by the college administration, and it will soon prepare its report. Additionally, the senior clerk has been given notice in order to receive a response.

The Government Post Graduate College in Kuchchha, the administrative centre of the Hamirpur district, is the subject of the lawsuit. For the past 15 years, Akhilesh Sahu has held the position of senior clerk here. Currently, two of his photos are trending on social media. Akhilesh Sahu may be seen in one image sitting on a chair, wearing only a vest, and using a phone to chat to someone. In contrast, he can be seen smiling in the second image while standing in a short vest. According to reports, one of the college's employees took both of the images that eventually went viral on social media.

After the viral photo, senior clerk Akhilesh Sahu expressed his position

Both of these images, according to Akhilesh Sahu, were taken on July 1, when he visited the Hamirpur District Headquarters to handle some work for the Treasury Department. He was drenched since it poured a lot on the way back. In addition, taking care of office tasks was important. In such a circumstance, he stripped off his clothes, laid them out to dry, and then began working at his desk with wearing briefs and a vest. The former college principal was unaware that his driver had been taking pictures of him at the same time.

The DM gave the principal the go-ahead to launch an inquiry

District Magistrate Dr. Chandrabhushan Tripathi has now summoned Siraj Khan, the college's female principal, as a result of the photo's viral success. Following this, the college's principal established a committee and began an inquiry. Currently, the topic of the viral photo is receiving a lot of attention in the district since a picture of a senior clerk raises the issue of whether female students and employees also reside at the college.

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