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Adityapur: Despite a month's worth of government orders, the illegal encroachment from the Gamharia circle quarter has not been removed

 Adityapur: Despite a month's worth of government orders, the illegal encroachment from the Gamharia circle quarter has not been removed

Sanjeev Mehta's Adityapur The government decree was made one month ago. Even after this, the unlawful encroachment of the Gamharia zone's government quarter has not been cleared away. For the past 30 years, a man named Babu Das has encroached on the government quarter while driving about with the JMM flag in his truck. In this respect, a month ago, on June 16, Gamharia's BDO Maruti Minj issued the decision under his letter number 635/2023 and ordered the removal of unlawful occupation. This came after the news had been continually reported in the media. The government mansion must be left empty within five days, as stated plainly, or else additional action would be taken.

However, Babu Das is still residing in the government buildings and calling this decree a dhatta. Additionally, he revealed the BDO order as a dhatta. Babu Das allegedly participates actively in the sand game. Due to political favouritism, Babu Das recently gained notoriety when he brazenly waved his arms at a Gamharia restaurant. He then filed a FIR with the Adityapur police station on February 2nd, alleging a deadly attack on himself. By calling the BDO order a fraud, Babu Das has now demonstrated that the BDO orders primarily benefit the poor, the impoverished, and the defenceless.

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