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Learn why studies believe that humans are three times as hazardous as sharks

 Learn why studies believe that humans are three times as hazardous as sharks

Shark News Research: Sharks are fish-family creatures that dwell in the ocean's depths, but they would consume humans whole if they merely catch a sight of them. According to a recent study, however, people are now more harmful than this animal. Scientists from the UK conducted this study.

Scientists estimate that humans exploit around one-third of all animal species.

Sometimes this exploitation takes the shape of food, other times of drugs, and other times of pets.

The biodiversity and environment will suffer from overuse of wild animals

London: It's a commonly held belief that people are a greater risk than animals. He's always been seen as a potentially dangerous hunter. But this is the first time that researchers have conducted an investigation and come to any conclusions. Scientists have now established conclusively that people are truly hazardous. According to research conducted by the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK, men are three times more deadly than animals like sharks.


Scientists claim that humans occasionally use one-third of all animals for human consumption, medical purposes, or as pets. As a result, there is now an increased danger that nearly half of all animals may go extinct. According to him, people are hundreds of times more dangerous than natural predators like great white sharks because of this predisposition. Additionally, his practise serves as a warning about the dire effects for environment and wildlife. Regarding this study, Dr. Rob Cook stated, "Whatever we discovered in the research shocked us. Animals can be used by humans in many different ways. But the global sustainable interaction between people and nature needs to be further strengthened.

Animal extinction is imminent in 39 percent of species

Nearly 50,000 various wild reptiles, amphibians, and fish were researched in the research. These are creatures that are either killed by humans for use as food, medicine, or clothing or that are caught in the wild and sold. 14,663 different species of animals are used or sold, they discovered. There are 39 percent of these that are endangered species of animals.

Human influence is 300 times greater than that of ferocious predators like lions, tigers, or white sharks. He claimed that we are now living in the anthropocene. This is the time when human activity is starting to have a significant impact on the climate and environment. The study issues a dire warning that overusing wild animals would have a negative impact on biodiversity and environment.

thirty times more hazardous

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