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What causes your Coinbase account that might be locked, and how do you unlock it?

 What causes your Coinbase account that might be locked, and how do you unlock it?

There are a number of possible causes for a locked Coinbase account. Here are a few typical examples:

Concerns about security: Coinbase may lock your account as a preventative step if they suspect fraud or unauthorised access to it.

Suspicious transactions: Coinbase's security mechanisms may be triggered by unusual or suspicious transactions, which may result in a temporary account lock.

Compliance and legal duties: In the event that Coinbase must meet certain compliance or legal obligations, such as identity verification or the submission of supporting evidence, an account may be temporarily locked.

Here are some broad steps you might try to unlock your Coinbase account if it is locked:

Speak with Coinbase support here: Use Coinbase's official methods, including their website or mobile app, to contact customer service.  You will receive instructions on how to unlock your account from them.

Complete identification verification: Coinbase may ask you to carry out extra identity verification processes if your account has been frozen because it does not meet compliance criteria. To submit the necessary paperwork and data, according to Coinbase's instructions.

Examine recent transactions: If Coinbase locks your account due to questionable activities, it may look into your account activity. cooperate with their security team and offer any data required to address the problem.

Do Coinbase accounts get frozen?

Because of this, it's crucial to make a distinction between turning off buy/sell services, deleting a Coinbase account, and restricting access to money when addressing the question "does Coinbase freeze accounts?" 

Taking down the buy and sell services

 If this occurs, you will still be able to conduct cryptocurrency transactions and pay out any money in your cash balance to a recognised bank account. Services for buying and selling will be disabled.

A coinbase account closure


Buy/sell services are stopped after an account closure, and you are no longer able to use your Coinbase wallet as a crypto balance. However, access to your holdings is not "frozen" because you can send any leftover cryptocurrency balances from your account at Coinbase to a wallets account of your choice.

How to gain access to your Coinbase Wallet again

You will need to follow one of the following methods to gain your Coinbase Wallet account.

If you can't remember your Coinbase Wallet PIN, sign out of the app and import your wallet again with your 12-word recovery phrase or an iCloud or Google Drive backup. To accomplish this, launch the app and choose "I already have a wallet." 

We advise deleting the Coinbase Wallet app and installing it again if you are unable to sign out of the account. 

Concerning biometric verification: Your updated password may no longer be compatible with your account if you have modifications to the fingerprint(s) used for your device's verification process. To reimport your wallet, please adhere to the preceding instructions.

 If you merely need to regain account access:

Launch the Coinbase Wallet application. 

You will have to make a new account if you can't access your recovery phrase.

A user-controlled, non-custodial product, Coinbase Wallet is thus disclosed. You and you alone have access to move the money you have been given thanks to the recovery phrase.

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