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Watch As Rioters Fight Cops In France: Man Keeps going To Eat Sandwich

 Watch As Rioters Fight Cops In France: Man Keeps going To Eat Sandwich

Over 1.5 million people have watched the RapleakTwsh video that was released on Twitter. The caption stated, "He really has no problems in his life #Nanterre."

In a widely shared video, a man is seen eating a sandwich in the middle of the street as protesters and police struggle in Nanterre, France, where unrest is still happening. Over 1.5 million people have watched the RapleakTwsh video that was released on Twitter. The caption stated, "He really has no problems in his life #Nanterre."

Since Wednesday, violent protests have taken place in Paris' Nanterre as a result of the death of a 17-year-old boy by police who had stopped him at a traffic check for breaking many traffic laws. 

The video depicts one such altercation between the security personnel and the demonstrators, shot from the top of a building. While a fire breaks out between the two sides, the group of protestors on the left throw things towards the queue of armed police on the right. A man can be seen in the middle of the action peacefully and leisurely eating a sandwich while perched on the edge of the road, unperturbed by the altercation.

Twitter users praised the man's zen-like composure in the midst of the violence in multiple comments on the viral video. One Twitter user remarked, "He's seen a lot.

A few months ago, during anti-pension reform demonstrations in Paris, a video from a similar occurrence showed a group of customers eating inside a French restaurant while multiple flames burned outside on the street.

Curfews and restrictions on public meetings have been implemented in a number of French cities along with the deployment of some 40,000 security personnel as violent protestors continue to torch vehicles, cause property damage, and rob stores.

Another French viral video shows a group of men jogging around in preparation for a nighttime demonstration. The caption states, "Rioters were seen warming up earlier in the evening before engaging in conflict with the police.

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