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Shock to the Siddaramaiah administration! In Karnataka, 1 out of 5 Congress assurances are eclipsed, and the Centre forbids the selling of rice and wheat

 Shock to the Siddaramaiah administration! In Karnataka, 1 out of 5 Congress assurances are eclipsed, and the Centre forbids the selling of rice and wheat

Siddaramaiah, the chief minister of Karnataka, claimed that his administration had requested 2.28 lakh metric tonnes (MT) from FCI for the provision of food grains under the Anna Bhagya programme. The state governments were instructed to halt selling wheat and rice from FCI inventories a day later, on June 13, by the Union's Department of Consumer Affairs, which is Food, and Public Distribution.

Bengaluru: The national government has halted the sale of grains such as rice and wheat in the inventory of the alimentary corporation of India (FCI) to local governments. The Karnataka Congress administration is startled by this judgement. One of its five assurances, the Anna Bhagya Yojana, is having trouble being carried out. All BPL families in Karnataka are expected to receive 10 kilogramme of food grains per month under this plan. Siddaramaiah, the chief minister, described the choice as "political." Siddaramaiah reportedly said that the BJP government at the Centre made this decision to stop the distribution of food grains to the underprivileged in Karnataka.

According to him, his government requested 2.28 lakh metric tonnes (MT) from FCI for the Anna Bhagya scheme's distribution of food grains, and on June 12 FCI agreed to provide roughly 2.22 lakh metric tonnes by submitting two letters. The nation's governments were instructed to halt selling wheat and rice from FCI inventories a day later, on June 13, by the Union's Department of Consumer Protection, Food, and Public Distribution. The CMO distributed copies of the directive on Wednesday, which indicates that FCI issue rice from its main stock to individuals and businesses under the Open Market Sale Scheme (Domestic) (OMSS-D) in order to lower prices. Regarding OMSS (D) for the federal and state governments, the trade in of wheat and rice has been halted.

The Centre has granted the NE and hill states an exemption to purchase food grains from FCI stock

The Indian Express said that the Union's Department of Consumer Protection, Food and Rural Development, ordered food grains under OMSS-D to be purchased from FCI stock and sent to northeastern, rocky, and states experiencing law and order issues or natural calamities. given a break. According to the Food Ministry, this move is a component of the Central Government's plan to regulate the cost of food grains. According to the Union Food Ministry,

This time, it has been decided to exempt the State Government plan from the scope of OMSS (D) in order to ensure that the inflationary tendency is maintained under control while maintaining acceptable supply levels in the Central Pool.The choice has been made. Siddaramaiah asserted that the Centre was ceasing to sell FCI to the states despite holding a store of 7 lakh tonnes of rice.

Karnataka is considering purchasing a significant amount of its rice from FCI and reducing its wheat purchases. Data on the FCI website indicates that as of June 1, the central pool's stock of rice was 262.23 lakh metric tonnes and its stock of paddy was 226.85 lakh metric tonnes (equal to 152 lakh metric tonnes of rice). In order to lower food grain costs, an official stated that 87 lakh million metric tonnes of corn and 270 lakh milligramme tonnes of rice that were accessible via the central pool might be made available for sale under OMSS (D). The first open marketplace procurement of wheat and rice through the FCI was set for June 28, according to the ministry's statement to The Indian Express.

According to the ministry, a bidder may purchase between 10 and 100 metric tonnes of agricultural products in a single OMSS (D) bid. A single buyer could only purchase a maximum of 3,000 metric tonnes at the prior sale. This time, the quantum has been decreased to allow for more small and marginal buyers and to ensure that the scheme is accessible to more people. This will make it easier for the public to buy stock sold under OMSS(D) right away. The monthly expenditure is Rs. 840 crores on the assumption that FCI will provide rice at the price of Rs 36.6 per kg fixed by the Congress administration in Karnataka for the Anna Bhagya project. 

Siddaramaiah claimed that Karnataka has contacted organisations that can supply grains as well as states that cultivate rice, such as Telangana and Chhattisgarh, to assure the launch of the programme on July 1.

Siddaramaiah claims that the centre is working to thwart the Anna Bhagya plan.

The Government of India will be held accountable for any delays in the Anna Bhagya project, he continued, adding that "We will try to provide food grains to the public regardless of the conspiracy." Minister Siddaramaiah claimed that on June 6, his government sent a letter to the FCI before publicising the Anna Bhagya rollout. I spoke with the FCI Deputy General Manager, who agreed to provide food grains at a cost of Rs 34 per kg and transportation at a cost of Rs 2.60 per kg, the man stated. 

He agreed, and on June 12 he wrote us two letters in which he promised to sell 13,819.485 tonnes of additional rice in addition to the 2,08 lakh metric tonnes of rice that would be sold under OMSS (D) for July. A political decision was made (to halt the sale of FCI to the states) a day later, on June 13. The Anna Bhagya plan is being undermined by the central government.

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